

Our Signature Mixture! A specialized mix of Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, Perennial and Annual Rye grasses. This seed is versatile and beautiful. Perfect for all-over use or patching in problem areas on any part of your lawn.

Sunlight: Full Sun - 8+ hours direct, Part Sun - 6+ hours direct 

  • Soil Type: good for clay, loamy, sandy

  • Purpose of Seed: front lawn - barefoot soft, patch bare spots, erosion control

  • Available in 2 lb, 5 lb, and 25 lb. Lifetyme Cotton Bag

  • Seeding Rate for New Lawn 5-6# per 1000 sq ft.

  • Seeding Rate for Over seeding on existing lawn 2-3# per 1000 sq ft.

26% Rock-It Kentucky Bluegrass

25% Boreal Creeping Red Fescue

24% Gulf Annual Ryegrass

15% Improved Perennial Ryegrass

10% Improved Intermediate Ryegrass

*Please note Lifetyme varieties and mixtures are subject to change according to changes in market conditions*